Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Origami Accounting Opens New Office in Calgary | Origami ...

Origami Accounting?s new office in the Beltline neighbourhood in Calgary.

Hi Calgary. Nice to meet you. We?re Origami Accounting, a complete accounting service for small business. When we launched in 2011, we sent out the following message to small business owners:

We?ve built a fully outsourced accounting solution for businesses like yours. Imagine having the budget to have a team of accountants on staff and just handing them your receipts, sales records, and government notices to take care of. That?s Origami. We charge flat monthly fees based on the size of your business and our service includes everything you need to keep your books current: your monthly bookkeeping, financial statements, GST remittances, source deduction guidance, and your year-end tax filing. You are totally up to date and compliant every single month, and you have instant access to your accounting information at all times via our secure on-line portal.

It?s been a busy year. We?re grateful to all the clients who?ve responded to our small business accounting service. And we?re continuing to work hard to make the hectic nature of running your own business a little less hectic.

Early this year, we opened a brand new office in Calgary?s Beltline. We?re busy getting the word out in the small business community. You may find yourself the recipient of one of our ?Hello Boxes? in the near future or you might bump into us at an event out around the city. Come up and talk to us; we?re a friendly sort. And feel free to give us a call at 403-910-5100 to chat about our Calgary accounting service and how it may fit your business needs.

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Eavesdrop on a Chat with Senator Rick Santorum | Home Educating ...

In February, Senator Rick Santorum, one of the four remaining candidates for the Republican nomination for president, graciously agreed to take some time from his busy campaign schedule and give an interview to Home Educating Family Magazine. Rob Shearer spoke with Senator Santorum. Here?s what the Senator had to say:

HEF:? We?re all pretty excited about the fact that we may have the first homeschooling president in the White House.

Sen. Santorum: Well, not the first? because everybody used to homeschool!

HEF: We were actually having a little conversation about that the other day. I suggested that you could probably characterize Teddy Roosevelt?s education of his children as homeschooling. Maybe even the Lincolns with their boys . . .

Sen. Santorum: That?s right. You can go through a lot folks who had their kids living with them in the White House.

HEF:?? The folks who read our magazine are most interested in your ideas about education policy. The department of education is playing a huge role in local school districts around the country and to some extent begins to intrude and impact home educating families. Please tell us about your ideas about the federal role in education and what sort of changes you would make if you are elected president.

Sen. Santorum: I believe the experimentation with the federal government overseeing education has ultimately not done very much at all to improve the quality of education in this country. The nub of it is, we need to get parents more engaged and involved in the education of their children. It?s the parents? responsibility to educate their children. Most of the problems, I believe, that we are having in the schools are the fact that parents and schools are not working together to educate their children and creating the best environment for children. The federal government involvement is not doing anything to move that ball forward. To the extent possible, I would eliminate, repeal ?No Child Left Behind?; repeal federal funding for education, with exception of some funding that will help out school districts that have a high proportion of special needs kids.

Other than that, I don?t see that we are going to improve the quality of education in this country with federal government involvement. We need to remove it, to the extent we can. I?d like to remove it, with that one exception. And, I?d make the argument that we need to reduce state involvement in education. The more we can get it down to where parents can get the kind of education that they believe is in the best interest of their children, the better off we will be as a country.

Obviously, there is a local government component to education that I continue to support. But basically, government run and government controlled schools have been? an abject failure. We need to have parent centered education where we get parents engaged ? making sure that they can provide for their children, the best possible educational environment for each child.

And that goes beyond, by the way academics, which is another real failing of the system. Because of the courts and litigation and legislation, the left has basically taken every bit of morality and character and virtue and faith out of the public schools and we now have this naked school system which only cares about academic achievement. I don?t know of any employer who only cares about the academic scores of the people that they hire.? The biggest problem is not academic achievement? the problem is character, virtue, and hard work and the other things that are vitally important and are missing in a lot children today.

HEF: That the public schools don?t seem to be able to do a very good job of instilling?.

Sen. Santorum: Well, they can?t! That?s the problem. There are so many lawyers and court cases and so many rules and regulations that school districts just stay away from these issues. Even if they can do it they don?t do it because they?re afraid that someone will complain and will cost them more money.

HEF:? Let?s talk about reducing federal funding and the federal role. One of the platform planks of the Republican Party back in the ?80?s under Reagan and then into the 90?s when you were in the House and the Senate was to abolish the federal Department of Education, fold it back into HEW and reduce its power. Would you still be in favor of that?

Sen. Santorum: I would consider that ? but there is always going to be an education function in the federal government. I?m not one that goes around and talks about eliminating departments. That makes for nice sound bites, but the bottom line is we have to eliminate the federal role of education when it comes to primary and secondary education. You do that, you accomplish what you want to accomplish. There are other things the Education Department does, workforce training, things like that, most of which I?d like to push back to the states. But if you say you want to abolish the department of education, then you?ll wind up defending yourself against the charge that you don?t believe in education. I?d rather talk about what I want to do rather than just create sound bites. I?d rather talk about what I?m going to do with various departments of the federal government.

HEF:? What about the idea of vouchers? Much talked about. There was an experimental program in Washington, DC, that was eliminated under the Obama administration. Do you see a role for a voucher program?

Sen. Santorum: I think ultimately, what we need is a customized education for every child. That means that parents should have the ability to put their children in the environment that best meets what the parents believe is in the best interest of their children,? in consultation with others who might advise them in that process. Vouchers would be one possible option to accomplish that.

HEF:? Shifting gears, your website mentions the fact that you and your wife home school your children. Why did you make the decision to home school, and what difference has that made in your family experience? What?s been the impact on your children?

Sen. Santorum: I was in the Congress. We had just moved our family to northern Virginia and I had just been elected into the Senate. We wanted to have some flexibility because we traveled a lot back and forth to Pennsylvania. My schedule was not the most predictable, and not family friendly. We had run into somebody at our church who was a homeschooling advocate and a friend of my wife Karen. She suggested that we look at this as an option that could create a good environment for us. I would have the opportunity, with a more flexible schedule, to spend more time with the kids, to be able to travel and to do the things that would produce a better, coherent family life. It was pitched with the advantages from an academic as well as social perspective of homeschooling. It was driven mostly by what would be the best family life given the intricacies of my schedule. We tried it for one year and it went very very well. Elizabeth, our oldest, was a great homeschooler. She responded terrifically. She was an easy homeschooler to teach, even in first grade and so, we just continued. Homeschooling has always been a year to year affair with us. It?s not the easiest thing to do. It?s a lot of work for us. A lot of work especially for Karen. Given the stress and strains on our lives it?s always been one year to the next for us. I can?t even tell you how many curriculum changes we?ve made before we settled on things that we were comfortable with.? But that?s sort of how we worked through it.

HEF:? [laughs] You sound like most of the other homeschooling families I?ve talked to. Everyone takes a little while before they find the curriculum that fits them the best. It sounds like it?s been successful for you. You said it was a year to year decision and you?re still doing it a number of years later. You must think it?s working for your family?.

Sen. Santorum: Oh, there?s no question. With Elizabeth, we homeschooled her until she got to 11th grade. There were some things going on with us, in my life, with respect to leaving the senate, and she decided to go to school. We sent her to a high school. We went to basically homeschooling our children thru grade school and then putting them in a traditional school for high school.

HEF:? When you move into the White House, will you continue to homeschool your kids?

Sen. Santorum: Yes. We have two we homeschool now and we anticipate continuing to homeschool them thru grade school. They?re ten and twelve now.

HEF:? Do you get a chance to do any of the teaching yourself? Especially with the older kids? Is there any particular subject that you sit down and teach yourself?

Sen. Santorum: I did years ago but not as much now. I did all of the homeschooling with one of my kids, my son Daniel. I did his homeschooling in first grade. I wanted to use the curriculum developed by Bill Bennett, called K-12. We used that as a homeschooling curriculum. The first year it was out, it was very computer based. Karen really didn?t want to do that.? She didn?t want to sit in front of the computer. She didn?t want to deal with all of the lesson plans on the computer. This was a long time ago. Daniel?s a junior in high school now. Karen said ?If we?re going to do K-12, then you?re doing it.? I said, ?OK.? It was a great experience, I loved it.

HEF:? Do you think it made any difference in your relationship with Daniel as he got older that you were his teacher in 1st grade?

Sen. Santorum: Oh yeah! The whole homeschooling thing was great. It?s wonderful from the standpoint of building a relationship with your kids.

I can tell you in the last few years our homeschooling has changed. We have a special needs girl in our home now who is 3 1/2. As a result of that, we had to bring in someone to help Karen. She has been, almost full-time, taking care of Bella. So, we have someone come in to help teach several subjects and then Karen still teaches a couple of subjects. You have to adjust when you have a special needs child in the house. You have a responsibility. Karen felt a special responsibility because she was so young and fragile, health-wise.? Karen?s devoted more of her attention to that.

HEF: We were all praying for Bella. Is she doing better now?

Sen. Santorum: Thank you. She is doing better. She is a lot of work and a great, great blessing. She has her regular routine. She feeds with a feeding tube. She?s got respiratory issues that we have to deal with. She has physical therapy and all sorts of other things. Karen wants to do that all within the home and does a lot of it herself. It has pulled her away from doing homeschooling full time. Instead of hiring a nurse to take care of Bella, we have hired someone to help home school the kids.

HEF: Sure, a tutor, or a governess ? it?s always been the Cadillac form of education ? to have a private tutor for your kids.

Sen. Santorum. It is, and in a sense, that?s what homeschooling is. Who can be a better private tutor than your parents? My wife is very accomplished. The most accomplished thing she is, is that she really loves her kids. It?s the best ingredient to make sure you have a great teacher.

HEF:? I want to go back to the political realm, because I know a lot of our readers are interested in your positions on the great social issues of the day: abortion and sanctity of marriage. These are the two social issues that are not going away and our society is wrestling with. Your positions are probably well known, but many of our readers might not be aware of where you stand. How do you approach those issues philosophically, and what would you do about them as president?

Sen. Santorum:? I approach these issues through both faith and reason. I?m motivated to get involved in these issues because my faith considers these to be vitally important issues to the foundation of our society. The institution of the family as well as the intrinsic value of every human life compels me to get involved in these issues and motivates me to take a bold stand. My responsibility as a public figure is to make the justification for the positions I hold available to everyone thru reason. I bring a reasoned argument as to why the positions I have are important from a societal point of view and are important for everyone, not just people of faith. I try to make a compelling, reasoned argument as to why marriage should be held up by society, as a bond between a man and a woman for the purposes of giving children the best possible opportunity to be raised in an environment with a mother and father. It?s best for men, it?s best for women, it?s best for society, for men and women to come together and marry and to raise children. There are other relationships that are certainly valid relationships, in the sense that people can have all sorts of relationship?both amorous and friends?and relational from the standpoint of family, but they are not the same. They are important. They have value to society, value to the people who have those relationships, but they do not have the same kind of importance that marriage between a man and a woman has.

I take the same position with respect to abortion. It?s not a belief that life begins at conception, it?s a biological fact. I believe that we should have a very expansive view about how the Constitution views persons. All persons should equal all human beings. If all human beings are persons, then, as far as I?m concerned, they should be entitled to rights under the Constitution.

HEF:? What differences would that make in your presidency? What actions do you see the president being able to take on the abortion issue?

Sen. Santorum: We have to push for recognition of life in the womb and protection for that life. I have been very clear about why I think Roe vs. Wade is bad law.? I would like to do what we can through the courts as well thru legislation to establish the fundamental right to life for all human beings. Some have suggested we need a constitutional amendment, others have suggested we can accomplish this through a statute that defines personhood under the 14th amendment to include the unborn child. There are all sorts of efforts we can make. I will certainly advocate to stop the killing of 1.2 million children every single year.

With respect to marriage, I?ve long supported a constitutional amendment to define marriage between a man and a woman and have that be the law of the land in our country.

HEF:? Is there anything else you would like to say to our home educating families? They are a broad and diverse group, although they tend to be conservative and very pro-life and pro-family. Anything in particular you?d like to communicate to them?

Sen. Santorum: It will be a great thing for homeschooling in this country, as it comes out of the shadows (as it has in the last several years). It certainly will be a front and center issue in this campaign. I don?t doubt that the left will make this an issue that we?ve homeschooled our children. It?s an opportunity for people to learn about homeschooling.? Just like Bella?s sickness was an opportunity for people to learn about children with disabilities. So too, is this an opportunity to learn about the world of homeschooling and how wonderful and great it is for the children who are homeschooled, for the families who homeschool, and society at large.

HEF: On behalf of Home Educating Family Magazine, we thank you for your time! And we wish you the best!


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Internet Marketing and How It Can Benefit Your Company | 1st about ...

Internet marketing can be big for an up and coming fitness company. The internet has all the assets needed to promote a company efficiently. When it comes to internet marketing it is important to understand that you must maintain your online reputation in the process. The way this can be done is by being aware of what you do in regards to internet marketing. You must monitor what you say and do to prevent yourself from harming your reputation.

One distinct advantage of internet marketing is the fact that you are able to reach a large amount of potential customers in a small period of time. Unlike traditional advertisements internet marketing can expand to a lot more people. Traditional marketing especially television you only reach the people on the certain channel. Instead internet marketing your promotion can be on the persons homepage when they click internet explorer and it doesn?t last 30 seconds it lasts as long their on the page. The longer someone looks at an ad the more engaging it might be.

Furthermore when dealing with Internet marketing it is a considerable way to boost youronline reputation Remember anything a company online does affects their reputation in a considerable way or a bad way. With that said you can really affect your online reputation in a good way by being sensible about what you advertise. Your main goal is not offend anyone in any way. Also you must make sure you do right by your customers to keep away negative comments.

Lastly more people admit to the fact that Internet marketing and an online presence can provide a more trustworthy opinion ones self or business online. Internet marketing has helped in new customer acquisitions and growth even in the challenging times of recession. This is vital because when people look at companies they want to feel like they can trust the company on a personal level. With internet marketing that can be a possibility through effective and charming marketing schemes.

As you can see internet marketing can be an great tool. It can definitely assisting your company in positive way. It?s just a matter of managing the content that is being displayed. Making sure you do not offend anyone and agreement your reputation. Internet marketing can be a great thing as long as use it to your value.

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[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - Rupert Murdoch's newest newspaper launched Sunday with a familiar mix of celebrity news, scantily clad women and defiant language.


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

football scoop -new defensive coach intern (Last post on 02/26/2012 at 09:31 AM PST) Subscribers-Only

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50 395 02/16/12?1:49?PM
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Anti-Putin protesters form human chain in Moscow (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - Thousands of Russians joined hands to form a human chain around Moscow city centre on Sunday in protest against Vladimir Putin's likely return as president in an election next week.


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

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22 Carnival cruise passengers robbed in Mexico

By Dan Askin, Cruise Critic

Twenty-two passengers on?Carnival Splendor?were robbed at gunpoint Thursday while on a ship-sponsored tour in?Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.?

At least one Mexican media outlet said the passengers were returning by bus to their ship at approximately 5 p.m. after spending time in El Nogalito, a tourist area known for its lush natural setting. Masked assailants stopped the bus and robbed the cruisers of their money, watches, cameras and other valuables.?

There were no injuries and all passengers were returned safely to the ship, Carnival said in a statement.?Numerous authorities were notified and responded to investigate, as well as assist the affected passengers, Carnival said.?

According to?, the bandits have yet to be apprehended.?

Carnival also apologized to the passengers for the "unfortunate and disturbing event" and said it is working with passengers to reimburse them for lost valuables and assist with lost passports or other forms of identification.?

?The tour in question ? a guided nature trail excursion sold and booked through the line ? has been suspended until further notice.?

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More from Cruise Critic:

The incident comes at a rough time for the beleaguered?Mexican Riviera?cruise region, which has seen numerous lines pull out over safety and security concerns, as well as issues with demand. Lines have primarily cut calls in?Mazatlan, which has seen its scheduled ship visits plummet from 200 in 2010 to roughly a dozen in 2012, but?Acapulco?and Puerto Vallarta have also suffered.

The U.S. State Department advises Americans to exercise?caution when traveling to Mexico. Earlier this month, the department released its latest?travel warning, updating one that had been in effect since April 2011. As with the earlier warning, it reiterated that millions of Americans safely visit the country every year and that most of the drug-related violence occurs near the Mexico-U.S. border and along drug-trafficking routes, rather than in resort towns and other tourist destinations.?

The Carnival Splendor made headlines in November 2010 after an onboard fire paralyzed the ship for three days?about 200 miles outside San Diego?and stranded thousands of passengers. The repaired ship set sail again last February with two new generators and a new engine. ?

Carnival Splendor is currently sailing on a seven-day cruise that departed?Long Beach, Calif., on Sunday. contributed information to this report.

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Taylor Swift Gets Prom Invitation From New Jersey Teen

Kevin McGuire is in treatment for leukemia, and his sister is trying to score him a date with Swift.
By Gil Kaufman

Taylor Swift
Photo: Getty Images

Taylor Swift has a closet full of sparkly, flowing dresses that would be the envy of any girl searching for just the right look for prom. But the singer who spent her prime prom years touring the world has mostly had to assuage her high school dance jones with a headlining gig on MTV's 2008 show "Once Upon a Prom."

But now, instead of sharing her big night with 40 dates and the cameras, Swift has gotten an invitation from a Somerdale, New Jersey, high school senior who is hoping she'll make his dreams come true. According to ABC News affiliate WPVI, 18-year-old Sterling High School football player Kevin McGuire's sister has started an Internet petition on his behalf asking the country-pop superstar to stand by her brother's side.

McGuire, who is receiving treatment for a relapse of the leukemia he was diagnosed with five years ago, is getting dating assistance from his big sister, Tori, who decided to try to lift his spirits after he fretted that he might not be able to get a date once his hair fell out from chemotherapy treatments. "I said, 'What if I got Taylor Swift to go to the prom with you?' " she said she asked her brother. "His eyes lit up for the first time since he was diagnosed." As a bonus, the prom falls on Kevin's birthday.

So Tori set up the "Taylor Swift Take Kevin McGuire to Prom!" Facebook site, which as of Friday (February 24) morning had more than 77,000 followers.

"All throughout Kevin's treatment he kept his character intact, remained playing basketball, and even started varsity football as a freshman," she wrote on the Facebook page. "Kevin is known throughout the community as the High school's 'real life SUPER MAN!' Tragically, Kevin had a relapse, and is now fighting cancer for the second time. Kevin is the kindest, most noble 18 year old a person could even fathom meeting, and throughout his ups and downs Kevin never even questioned 'why me?' Nothing, and I mean NOTHING brightens Kevin's day more than Taylor Swift. Kevin DESERVES more than anyone a special event in his life. And the one thing he wants is to GO TO PROM WITH TAYLOR SWIFT! Let's make this happen people! TAYLOR PLEASE GO TO PROM WITH KEVIN!!!!!! NO ONE DESERVES IT MORE!"

A Twitter hashtag, #teamkevin, has also become a trending topic, with a number of celebrities hopping on the bandwagon, including Perez Hilton, Travie McCoy, reality star Teresa Giudice and sports giants including Michael Vick, Alex Rodriguez, Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith.

Swift's spokesperson could not be reached for comment at press time and the singer had not yet reacted to the invite on her Twitter feed.

But many Facebook friends have weighed in on the latest public request for a celeb to accompany a civilian to a public event, including Bernadette Scullin, who wrote, "May your dreams come true!" and Cecelia Denny, who joked, "C'mon Taylor, don't be 'MEAN!' "

Do you think Taylor Swift will take Kevin McGuire to prom? Leave your comment below!

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

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The neighborhood Search engine optimization services will perform intensive market and keyword research to discover the most beneficial conditions for the enterprise and products to ensure that you are noticed by focused consumers. At this point they?re going to begin a key phrase superior one way link strategy to get links back for a website through well-liked, well respected sites inside your sector.

Many small business owners depend on the harder standard varieties of marketing for example newspaper publishers, publications, tv along with radio, along with although these problems have a location in a web marketing strategy, ignoring the power of the web as a marketing moderate, could possibly be the pitfall of numerous small businesses which acquire still left within the wake up of their opponents who?re only way too very happy to take hold of the web along with what it really can give.

In case you are creating a informative link to understand small company home and searching for affordable Search engine optimization services Business, after that use an Ocean going Search results along with world wide web creating organization through Indian. They begin presently there research through the beginning by determing the best domain, configuring it listed, after that creating and using the supportive keywords and phrases, text message, photos , etc. Depending on your needs, you can find the organization delivering appropriate option. Truly people prefer to decide on SEO & SMO companies.

Customers will not likely type ?Home? to go to that one site. Virtually all people make use of labeling which can be universal, which usually makes better results. Rather than making use of ?Home?, you can official sources to read make use of the corporation?s identify instead. Everybody understands advantages that come with SEO strategies; even so, they do not realize that any time utilized effectively, enterprise operations may alter significantly. When talking for you to internet site makers with regards to websites like these, SEO details can even be integrated.

SEO can also stand for the various search engines Optimizer, who can assist your online business by altering your website using the appropriate websites content, coding rule along with marketing task. You need to make an effort to choose an Optimizer that is efficient at his / her work, due to the fact similar to most careers, SEO requires large amount of knowledge, and the result varies according to which did the position.

An additional little advice with regard to small businesses proprietors is always to determine whether or not they require search engine optimization. Certain that your making use of Google?s key phrase device to find out if there exists enough visitors originating from your designed income spot, or even SEO will be fruitless. If you have after that locational SEO will need to take location which usually requires different a lot more individual methods. An inferior SEO agency or SEO advisor could be considerably better to utilize a small company having the suggestions above under consideration.


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I know many of us are just about all knowledgeable about game playing reviews, and several folks happen to be to some kind of gaming website during the last tiny bit. Today here is my personal question, could it be merely myself or carry out most of the video gaming reviews on every gaming website seem to be. . . exactly the same?

Actually I think I prefer the thought of which, a relevant video games evaluations web site which includes real game evaluations compiled by real players. You understand, the gamers which realize these kinds of games totally inside and outside and can inform you everything that is very incorrect or right using the game, easily in the decrease of a cap. These kinds of avid gamers adore these types of game titles as well as enjoy all of them of that time period, what better way to learn a certain sport, then with these people? These are the types that devote their particular dollars on the video games and employ their particular leisure time to play them.

Since has been discussed earlier, most of the critiques from all with the well-known video gaming websites, just about all appear the same and it appears to myself anyway, that they are just about all compiled by the very same people. I don?t know about several avid gamers, I?m able to only speak about personally. However, if I am considering a relevant video sport I?m the type of person i should go to a gambling website and simply check out the rating away from Ten. Nevertheless once I conducted which, I?ll move examine all of the avid gamers reviews concerning the sport to learn that they feel about this, and I am going to talk to my own game playing friends concerning the game also.

I am it will be great to experience a web site which has game titles reviews compiled by the particular players which really like the sport. To me, there is no other approach to finding out there in regards to a game next through someone that loves to participate in it inside their free time for hours. I?m not really the type of person who?s actually thinking about reading through an evaluation through somebody who might or might not be described as a game player, or perhaps simply by anyone who has simply played the sport through perhaps a couple of times. I?d personally rather read it in the correct players, who are actively playing every day. Who knows much better concerning the video games then them?

Prior to going buy these video games, you should check out some sites such as ps3 reviews and top rated video games.


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sales Training Programs : How to Select The Correct Sales Training ...

business Published February 8, 2012 at 5:11 pm

When considering to sales training programs 1 of the most difficult jobs could be to choose which is the proper plan for an individual. Using a wide variety of choices the two in articles and purchase it can make for a daunting choice. We will review a few things to consider for you to pick the correct sales expertise training plan.

The 1st thought will be the articles of the training themselves. You desire to examine the training based on your wants since a sales specialist. Should you be a sales expert using a great deal of sales success, you need to examine a more advanced system. Alternatively, should you be brand-new in sales you want to select a simpler sales abilities curriculum. Sales training written content differs commonly. If you find a particular area of sales you need to emphasis on then you can think about training that just centers on that will area. For illustration, say you desire to function on composed sales conversation. You want to develop your ability in creating correspondence and various other sales communication. Next, you?ll need to take a look at a training plan on created sales connection|How to Decide on a Sales Training Plan|The Rewards of Sales Training Programs

The subsequent area you need to examine can be how the training will go to be shipped. The thought for the delivery of the training will be based on a whole lot on how that suits you to learn. If you have the discipline, you can opt to take online sales training. The reason you need to possess willpower would it be is straightforward to get distracted and test to multi-task when you are included in the online training. Without having self-discipline online training might be a spend of cash for anyone.

Consultative selling has become nicely toned and reported above the years, whether tactical selling, need to have satisfaction selling, because actually pioneered by simply Xerox, remedy selling or now, spin selling, most of these kind of crucial strategies handle the fundamental philosophy that you simply start by undertaking a wants examination of your consumer to understand what their needs, their discomfort, their troubles are generally, and after that modify your sales strategy based upon the data that you?re in a position to collect from your prospective client. Many companies have still not trained their individuals on spin selling or option or consultative selling and need to do this in order to improve their sales effectiveness. We all help a selection of customers which might be nevertheless right after the ?old push? features benefits selling model when they can quickly modify a a lot more consultative method.

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Chairman, 3 others out in Yahoo board shake-up

FILE - In this Jan. 29, 2004 file photo, Roy Bostock, chairman of the Partnership for a Drug Free America, speaks during a news conference in New York. Yahoo Inc. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 announced taht Bostock, Chairman of Yahoo since 2008, and three longtime board members are stepping down, fulfilling the wishes of many frustrated shareholders who believe the directors have been part of the problem that has dragged down the Internet company's revenue and stock price. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 29, 2004 file photo, Roy Bostock, chairman of the Partnership for a Drug Free America, speaks during a news conference in New York. Yahoo Inc. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 announced taht Bostock, Chairman of Yahoo since 2008, and three longtime board members are stepping down, fulfilling the wishes of many frustrated shareholders who believe the directors have been part of the problem that has dragged down the Internet company's revenue and stock price. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

In this June 7, 2010 file photo, Vyomesh Joshi, executive vice president of HP's Imaging and Printing Group, introduces a line of HP printers in New York. Yahoo Inc. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 announced that Chairman Roy Bostock and three longtime board members, including Joshi, are stepping down, fulfilling the wishes of many frustrated shareholders who believe the directors have been part of the problem that has dragged down the Internet company's revenue and stock price. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)

FILE - In this Nov. 6, 2004 file photo, then Disney director Gary Wilson leaves Chancery Court in Georgetown, Del. Yahoo Inc. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 announced that Chairman Roy Bostock and three longtime board members, including Wilson, are stepping down, fulfilling the wishes of many frustrated shareholders who believe the directors have been part of the problem that has dragged down the Internet company's revenue and stock price. (AP Photo/Matthew S. Gunby, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 4, 2012 file photo, the company logo is displayed at Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif. Yahoo Inc. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 announced that Chairman Roy Bostock and three longtime board members are stepping down, fulfilling the wishes of many frustrated shareholders who believe the directors have been part of the problem that has dragged down the Internet company's revenue and stock price. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock and three longtime board members are stepping down, submitting to the demands of many frustrated shareholders who blame them for contributing to the follies that have dragged down the Internet company's revenue and stock price.

The shake-up announced Tuesday continues a drastic makeover of Yahoo's leadership during the past month as the company negotiates to sell its Asian assets in a complex deal that could help ignite a long-promised turnaround.

After Yahoo hired former PayPal executive Scott Thompson as its CEO a few days into the new year, co-founder Jerry Yang resigned from the board and severed all other ties with the company that he helped start in 1995.

Now Bostock is departing after four years as chairman. Many shareholders still blame him and Yang for squandering an opportunity to sell Yahoo to Microsoft Corp. in May 2008 for $47.5 billion, or $33 per share. Yahoo's stock hasn't traded above $20 in nearly 3 1/2 years. The shares closed Tuesday at $15.83, up by a penny, then added another 9 cents in extended trading.

Bostock, a former advertising executive, more recently has been attacked for not moving more aggressively to fix the problems that have caused Yahoo to sink into a deeper financial rut while the fortunes of two major rivals, Google Inc. and Facebook Inc., have soared.

"It was time for him to leave the scene," said B. Riley & Co. analyst Sameet Sinha.

In a move that will give Thompson an even cleaner slate as he tries to come up with a new strategy, Yahoo board members Vyomesh Joshi, Arthur Kern and Gary Wilson also agreed not to seek re-election at Yahoo's shareholders meeting this June.

Kern, a former radio station owner, has been on Yahoo's board for more than 15 years. Wilson, a former airline executive, has been a director since 2001, and Joshi, a Hewlett-Packard Co. executive, has been a director since 2005.

"These changes are long overdue," said Ryan Jacob, portfolio manager of Jacob Asset Management, which owns more than 140,000 Yahoo shares. "It had gotten to the point where the board really didn't have any other choice. I think everyone needed a clean break."

With the housecleaning, Yahoo will be left with seven directors, all of whom have joined the board since the end of 2009. That list includes the two latest directors appointed Tuesday: Alfred Amoroso, former CEO of TV listings provider Rovi Corp., and Maynard Webb Jr., a former eBay Inc. executive who most recently was CEO of LiveOps Inc., which helps to staff customer call centers.

Yahoo said it is conducting a search for additional directors. The company, which is based in Sunnyvale, has become accustomed to upheaval. Thompson is the company's fourth CEO in less than five years.

Bringing in new directors to work with Thompson will "provide Yahoo with the expertise and perspectives necessary to drive innovation and growth," Bostock wrote in a letter Tuesday announcing his plans.

It could also avoid a potential shareholder mutiny. Hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, who controls a 5.2 percent stake in Yahoo, had been threatening to nominate an alternate slate of directors if Yahoo didn't overhaul its board. In a blistering letter sent late last year, Loeb told Bostock and Yang that they should step aside. The window for nominating alternate candidates to Yahoo's board is scheduled to open Feb. 24.

Calls to Loeb's office weren't immediately returned Tuesday.

Bostock became so unpopular among shareholders that nearly 40 percent of the votes were cast against his re-election in Yahoo's first annual meeting after Microsoft withdrew its takeover offer.

His decision-making came under scrutiny again in early 2009 when he and the rest of the board hired Carol Bartz as CEO in early 2009. Although she was well respected for per previous success in computer software, Bartz had no previous experience in online content or advertising ? the keys to Yahoo's business.

The no-nonsense Bartz helped sharpen Yahoo's focus by cutting costs, but couldn't revive revenue growth. Bostock fired her last September, prompting Bartz to lambaste him and the rest of Yahoo's board as "doofuses."

Yahoo's financial struggles are becoming even more glaring now that Facebook, the owner of the Internet's largest social network, has opened its books in preparation for an initial public offering of stock later this year. Facebook's IPO documents revealed its revenue surged 88 percent to $3.7 billion in 2011 while Yahoo's declined by more than 20 percent to just under $5 billion. If that trend continues, Facebook's revenue will surpass Yahoo's this year.

As it is, Facebook's IPO is expected to value the 8-year-old company at $75 billion to $100 billion. Meanwhile, Yahoo's market value is hovering around $20 billion.

Yahoo is trying to generate some cash that could be used for acquisitions or shareholder dividends by selling its stakes in China's Alibaba Group and Yahoo Japan. The proposed deal requires clearing some tax hurdles and addressing other issues that Bostock indicated could take a long time to resolve. The negotiations already have been going on since last fall.

"The complexity and unique nature of these transactions is significant," Bostock wrote Tuesday. "While we continue to devote significant resources to these discussions, we are not in a position at this time to provide further detail or to provide assurance that any transaction will be achieved."

Associated Press


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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ignition welcomes Business Development Manager in Atlantic Canada

Halifax, Nova Scotia (PRWEB) January 18, 2012

Ignition Ltd., a leader in IT and cloud solutions, is pleased to announce the appointment of Daniel Doucette as Business Development Manager. In this new role, Daniel will develop, implement and manage all key aspects of the Business Development efforts in the Atlantic Canada region.

Daniel joins Ignition with more than 12 years of management experience in the IT industry. This includes 11 years at xwave and most recently as Director of Strategy and Business Development for Bluedrop Performance Learning in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Daniel holds a Bachelor?s degree in Business Administration from Acadia University and multiple certifications, including VMware.

In the role as Business Development Manager, Daniel will be responsible for leading Ignition?s IT solutions in the region, including cloud hosting, virtualisation, the Microsoft stack of solutions, and ViewPoint Professional Services. ?Ignition has a strong presence in the region through their technical Service Desk provision and I look forward to helping Ignition expand on its current success and using my expertise to help drive growth in the Atlantic Canada market.?

Graham Pearson, CEO of the Ignition Group says, ?We?re very pleased to have Daniel join our team, who brings extensive business development experience to Ignition. Atlantic Canada provides us with a great opportunity for growth and Daniel?s proven business development expertise is an ideal fit to push this forward. The demand for cloud services, Microsoft and ViewPoint solutions are growing strongly and with our excellent team of people we are well and truly placed to deliver the highest possible levels of solution offerings and customer service.?

Ignition has provided IT solutions to clients for over a decade. Ignition deploys its cloud services from its three state-of-the-art data centres, allowing clients to benefit from built in business continuity and disaster recovery together with 24/7 service desk support from technical experts. Ignition?s Microsoft and ViewPoint Professional Services provides comprehensive solutions to fit the needs of organisations such as banks, financial institutions, multinational companies, legal and accountancy practices, fund managers, and trust professionals. For more information contact Stephanie MacDonald smacdonald(at)ignitionmsp(dot)com.


For further information please contact

Stephanie MacDonald

Group Marketing Specialist

The Ignition Group of Technology Companies

Direct: 345-525-5771

Email: smacdonald(at)ignitionmsp(dot)com.

About Ignition

Ignition is an IT services organisation with clients in Europe, throughout the Caribbean, North America and Canada. Founded in 1998 in Bermuda, Ignition has grown significantly and is one of the leading IT service providers offering managed services, cloud computing, business continuity and disaster recovery, data backup and storage, virtualisation, records management, document scanning, Microsoft, ViewPoint and 24?7 service desk support. Ignition has offices located in Bermuda, Halifax and Cayman Islands with representative offices in Curacao, Bahamas, Jamaica and Trinidad. Visit for more information.



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Greek parties face EU bailout deadline (Reuters)

ATHENS (Reuters) ? Greece's coalition parties must tell the European Union on Monday whether they accept the painful terms of a new bailout deal to avoid a messy default that could threaten the country's future in the euro zone.

Political leaders must agree on unresolved problems - including labor market change and shoring up domestic banks - to secure the 130 billion euro ($170 billion) rescue Greece needs by March or risk inflaming tempers in the European Union over what is seen as its dithering on implementing reforms.

A socialist party spokesman said leaders of the three coalition parties - who may face anger in parliamentary polls as soon as April - must respond by noon (5 a.m. ET) on Monday. A meeting of political leaders would follow later in the day.

Technocrat Prime Minister Lucas Papademos said after five hours of talks on Sunday that party chiefs had agreed measures including wage cuts and other reforms as part of spending cuts worth 1.5 percent of gross domestic product.

But PASOK spokesman Panos Beglitis said a number of major issues demanded by the "Troika," representing Greece's EU, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund lenders, remained unresolved.

"There are two big issues left - labor and banks ... those have been left for tomorrow," Beglitis said.

Domestic banks are up to their necks in junk Greek government bonds now worth a fraction of their face value and two parties - the conservative New Democracy and the far-right LAOS party - have opposed any further spending cuts.

The euro shed 0.4 percent in early Asian trade to $1.3105, having fallen as far as $1.3075 in thin early trade over worries the whole rescue scheme could flop.

Talks on the Greece's second bailout since 2010 - and an accompanying deal to ease its huge debt burden via its private creditors accepting deep losses on the bonds they hold - have dragged on for weeks.

"Things are very tough and difficult," a Greek government official said, requesting anonymity.

Now the parties - PASOK, New Democracy and LAOS - must respond to a working group of senior euro zone finance ministry officials who are preparing for a meeting of their ministers later in the week.

"The political leaders must give their response in principle by noon tomorrow (to Papademos), so that it can be taken to the Euro Working Group in Brussels," Beglitis said.


Beglitis made clear the leaders of the three parties had much to negotiate as the deadline nears, and must respond to the proposals by noon (5 a.m. ET).

Greek newspapers Ta Nea and Imerisia wrote on Monday, without naming their sources, that holiday bonuses in the private sector would be maintained but that the minimum wage would likely be cut to 600 euros from about 750 euros.

Ta Nea added that the European Union and IMF were also pushing for a 35 percent cut in supplementary pensions, another sticking point in the talks.

By late on Sunday, no meeting of the Euro Working Group had been formally scheduled for Monday but it could hold a conference call or schedule a face-to-face meeting at short notice, depending on the outcome of talks in Athens.

Greeks have been worn down by a deep recession, now in its fifth year, and wave after wave of austerity measures imposed under the first international bailout in 2010.

Alarmed by the prospect of yet more budget cuts, Greece's two main trade unions said they would call a 24-hour strike for Tuesday in protest against policies which they say have only driven the economy into a downward spiral.

"Despite our sacrifices and despite admitting that the policy mix is wrong, they still ask for more austerity," Ilias Iliopoulos, secretary general of public sector union ADEDY, told Reuters.

ADEDY and its private sector sister union GSEE, which will join Tuesday's strike, represent about 2 million workers or roughly half the country's workforce.

Leftist and communist-affiliated groups will rally around 11 a.m. ET on Monday to march to parliament.


With Greece facing 14.5 billion euros of debt repayments in March, a bill it cannot meet without further bailout funds, the stakes could not be higher.

Greek officials have emerged increasingly despondent after each round of talks, complaining that the ECB, European Commission and IMF troika was refusing to yield on demands to cut the minimum wage level, axe holiday bonuses and fire public sector workers.

New Democracy and LAOS in particular have staunchly opposed further wage and spending cuts, arguing they risk pushing Greece into an even deeper recession and imposing more pain on Greeks.

Papademos, a former central banker, said progress had been made during Sunday's five hours of negotiations with New Democracy chief Antonis Samaras, PASOK head George Papandreou and LAOS leader George Karatzaferis.

The budget cuts worth 1.5 percent of GDP this year appeared to be more than the troika wanted initially although with the Greek economy on a downward trajectory that is a moving target.

Greece's lenders initially demanded spending cuts worth about 1 percent of GDP - or just above 2 billion euros - this year, and say all political leaders must endorse the cuts irrespective of the outcome of the elections.

Papademos said the measures to cut wages and non-labor costs aimed to make the Greek economy more competitive, but he gave few details.

The slow progress in Athens has angered Greece's European partners. Euro zone officials say finance ministers told Greece on Saturday it could not go ahead with an agreed deal to restructure privately held debt until it guaranteed it would implement reforms.

"There is a great sense of frustration that they are dragging their feet," one euro zone official said.

($1 = 0.7621 euros)

(Additional reporting by Tatiana Fragou; Writing by David Stamp and Ingrid Melander; Editing by Elizabeth Piper)


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Skin Cancer

relief for skin cancer radiation treatmentNoted to be the most common form of cancer in the United States, skin cancer continues to affect and even take the lives of many people. Based on the latest skin cancer statistics, about one out of five Americans can be diagnosed with malignant growth in the course of a lifespan. This disease is classified into two major types: melanoma and non-melanoma; the former being more serious than the latter. Other types of skin cancer include keratoacanthomas, Merkel cell carcinoma, skin lymphoma, Kaposi sarcoma, skin adnexal tumors and sarcomas.

Skin Cancer Signs

A person is at high risk of developing cancer of the skin if the following skin cancer factors are present:

  • Open or excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation such as sunlight or tanning booths
  • Pale complexion
  • Vulnerability to coal tar, pitch, creosote, arsenic compounds or radium
  • Family history on this type of tumors
  • Multiple moles
  • History in severe sunburns

How to Cure Skin Cancer

Both the doctor and the patient should work together in diagnosing skin cancer malignancy and the treatment options. More often than not, a person can easily detect the development of such illness through certain obvious changes in his body, including some changes in the skin, oozing, bleeding or a bump or nodule that changed its appearance, change in sensation, among others. Since one of the main causes of skin cancer is over exposure to ultraviolet radiation, staying away from this factor will also be the best way to prevent the growth of this type of cancer. Hence, it pays if one will avoid exposing one?s self to the sunshine, as well as other sources of UV light like tanning beds and sun lamps.

Today, modern innovations have provided a huge improvement in the treatment of skin malignant growth. Even the most serious type, melanoma, can be cured provided that it was found at its very early stages. The American Cancer Society is currently working with various nationwide organizations to push cancer prevention, education and sun-safe rules. However, taking care of your health is at the end your matter and skin care prevention lies in your hands.

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